Jaunt Lines Portfolio
Graphic Designer & Illustrator from Mississauga

"Personality is everything"
Kona Coffee Project
A personal project done for a class.
The exercise's objective was to create a fictional brand and company for the sake of getting used to designing logos and stretching the imagination for a coffee brand.
Link to the slides: click here!
Rose Therapy Logo
Rose Therapy is a start up,Toronto-based company based around seeking clients
in need of basic therapy for their troubles.
I had the pleasure of creating the brand's first official logo.
I went through multiple stages to perfect the imagery.
This was my process in a nutshell.

Contact Me!
Interested in learning more about my work or how we can collaborate on an upcoming project? Don't waste this new opportunity that's within your reach!
*Prices are negotiable, depending on the complexity of your project. Prices are in CAN.
I do: Logos ($80/finalized logo*), website fix ups ($120/site*), digital business card ($60/card*), advertisement posters ($90/poster*), marketing strategies ($50-120/page document*), general business advice ($10/question*)
Contact me: jauntlines@gmail.com
Sample Advertisements

Three professionally rendered advertisements using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. You may specify whichever type of advertisement needed through email.
Gymshark Ad Illustrations
For a campaign project I was put in charge of creating final illustrations for GymShark's fictional campaign "Why Work Out"?
Had a blast creating the final products for the advertisements!

Other Digital Design Projects
This collection displays work from smaller assignments and side projects.
Professional products such as Autodesk Sketchbook, Adobe Photoshop & Adobe lllustrator were used for this mini collection!

"I am the first of my family to be attending Humber and I will make sure my time there is well spent and encourages to stride for any opportunity there is"